I was predestined to write this post. Except. I should have written it on Monday, rather than Thursday. I'm in some kind of predestination krinkle of the space-time-continuum. (Or just too dang busy working on other paying gigs.)
Pernell Goodyear and Alan Roxburgh did a seminar on Growing Missional Leaders that I shot in Hamilton two weekends ago - designed for folk who've begun to wander the missional path.
Al does a great job of outlining what missional is and isn't - and what it's roots are. Pernell grounds the missional leadership story in the practical nature of Freeway's work in one of Canada's poorest neighbourhoods. It's good stuff. Part Two will be up around the 15th and has Pernell and Al responding to questions.
The Missional Journey blog, originally launched last summer has been re-launched with some great contributors. New posts are up from Paul Fromont, Len Hjalmarson, Clark Cowden and Robin Dugall. Join the conversation there and add your own stories in the comments.