Perhaps Solomon was speaking of blogging when he said, "Vanity of vanities! All is vanity." (Ecc 1:2B NASB)
I do confess a certain level of vanity when I think you may have missed my blogging.
But. In the off chance you have, the good folks at downintheblog have provided an opportunity for you to listen to me pontificate on my long essay/short book, A Networked Conspiracy (downloadable here), the state of the church (and my post-evangelicalism) and a few other topics (including Clay Shirky, internet prophet) in a rambling interview from earlier today.
If nothing else grabs you in the interview, the audio platform that Rodney McCarthy is using is rather interesting - the Google-purchased Grand Central.
And may I recommend you check out the other posts and podcasts at downintheblog. I look forward to lots of good stuff from the brother/sister blogging team of Rodney McCarthy and Sally Loftis.