Nelson/Fitch - Missional - Does the word still have value? from Bill Kinnon on Vimeo.
Imbi and I shot this latest video (the first of three or four parts) at the end of August in the Office of the President at Tyndale University College and Seminary - set up when we found out Dave was coming into Toronto to meet with Gary (and spend a bit of time with us, too.) Gary Nelson had only been in the position of President & CEO at Tyndale for five weeks.
We first met Gary in the early '90's when he lead BUILD - Baptist Urban Involvement in Leadership Development (if I remember the acronym's meaning correctly). Gary left BUILD to become the pastor of a multi-cultural, downtown church in Edmonton. Some of his story there informs his important book, Borderlands - A Congregation's Introduction to Missional Living. (Len Hjalmarson does a very good series of blog posts on Gary's book.)
Prior to joining Tyndale, Gary spent the previous decade as General Secretary of Canadian Baptist Ministries where his heart for mission both in Canada and around the world was very much in evidence. Imbi and I confess real excitement with Gary's new position at Tyndale. We think you'll discover why in this video and the next two that we will put up over the next week or so.
This first video came out of Imbi and I asking Dave and Gary whether the word "missional" had become so over-used/mis-used that it no longer really had value.
The next video in this series focuses on what Theological Education Looks Like in the 21st Century. The third video looks at The Pastor in Post-Christendom and ends with Gary and Dave reflecting on what they are excited about for the church in the midst of this liminal church space.
These three videos will be added to the Missional Channel @ Vimeo - where our friend, Dave Fitch, figures prominently. Featured in those videos are Alan Hirsch, Graham Cray (who leads Fresh Expressions), Ed Stetzer, Cam Roxburgh and Andrew Jones.