This is somewhat pathetic.
I am somewhat pathetic.
I'm a fan of C.J. Sansom's Matthew Shardlake series. I devoured the first four books in the series - after Ben Witherington wrote about them. Most of my family and many of my friends have become Sansom fans because of the pleasure we have all experienced in the good reads he has provided. The next book in the series would only add to that pleasure.
At some point in the last year, when Amazon announced the fifth book, Heartstone, I must have pre-ordered it. Long before I ever considered becoming a Kindle-ite.
The book arrived two weeks ago. Imbi has already read it. And thoroughly enjoyed it.
I've read a bunch of other books on my Kindle 3 - but have resisted picking up the new Shardlake book. And not because I don't want to read it. But simply because I'd rather read it on my Kindle - and I'm just barely smart enough NOT to order and download it onto my device when we already own the Hardcover.
I just whined at Imbi about not wanting to read it as an actual book.
"I'd prefer to read it on my Kindle."
"What, have you forgotten how to turn physical pages? Are you too weak to pick the book up?"
But. Look. The book IS really big. And I'm old.