Perhaps it's just me, but this seems to REVEAL so much about the state of the evangelical church in the West.
Willow Creek, like many megachurches, looks less like a traditional steeple-and-people structure than a spiritual mini mall. It has a food court, a coffee shop that's clearly a Starbucks knockoff (complete with your choice of tall, grande, and venti), and a slate of ministries, events, and services comprehensive enough for a Christ-centered cruise ship. All of this telegraphs the message that the church is trying to meet present-day wants and needs. And it reflects the pragmatism that infuses the leadership summit, which Hybels says is meant "to mess with people's minds a little." [Some emphasis added]
And this quote is simply icing on the WC cake,
...Willow summit balances the secular yin with the Christ-centered yang.
It all just seems to bring this to mind. But. Again. Perhaps it's just me.