As I've reread my More Disciples posts along with the recent Leadership posts of Dave Fitch, Geoff Holsclaw and Bob Hyatt as well as Ben Sternke's Volunteers or Bondservants, I've been struck by the rather simplistic thought in the title of this post - Leaders Lead, Disciples Disciple.
The question I want to ask is how many leaders in what we call the church have truly been discipled? And when I say discipled I mean in the manner in which Jesus lived in the midst of, and in intimacy with his disciples.
I know I haven't been discipled like that. Have you?
How can we expect to raise up disciples when few of us have actually experienced being discipled?
What has been modelled is that leaders lead. I'm bold (or stupid) enough to suggest that that happens whether the church claims to be missional or attractional.
But I'm convinced what the Body of Christ needs are disciples who disciple rather than leaders who lead.