Me. Me. Me.
My favourite note on which to begin a song about my favourite subject.
Of course.
Eons ago in blogdom, when Google was a mere eight-year old, I blogged about what I called the Generous Web. People like Kathy Sierra & Doc Searls - to name but two of hundreds - blew my mind with how willing they were to freely share their creative thoughts and ideas with any and all who visited their outposts on these interwebs. They were and still are great examples of how social media can be powerfully positive. (Although the ungenerous web took Kathy out of blogdom.)
But the interwebs are also a great place for narcissists to sing their own praises - to shout "look at me, look at me" from the interweb rooftops - places like Twitter and Facebook. (The Facebook fan concept did make me slightly crazy - although I probably was already close.)
After a slow start, I became a committed Twitter user 3,328 Tweets ago. Unlike many, I follow a limited number of other users - 212 to be exact - people whose thoughts, ideas & humour I'm interested in.
At the writing completion of this blog post - that number will be 211.
A well known blogger, who I already follow via Google Reader, only uses Twitter to announce his blog posts. He doesn't Tweet, he Twadvertises. His engagement with Twitter is simply to shout the aforementioned, "look at me, look at me."
The Cluetrain promise of social media is conversation and, in fairness to this Twadvertiser, he does engage in conversation at his blog - but Twitter is simply an advertising medium for him.
Now, I do use Twitter to make people aware of new blog posts - but try to limit my blog Twadvertising to two or three times during the day - and feel guilty about doing that. I more often try and point folk at something I've found interesting, share what I'm up to or feebly attempt to be humourous.
Of course, the irony is that right after I unfollow the trigger for this post - I'll Tweet about it's publishing.
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