John La Grou (co-editor with Len Hjalmarson of the Wikiklesia Project) sites a comment from Goteeman at this blog as a worthy addition to the Formerly Known As meme. (Anne Jackson, the blog author, had asked for responses to a question on Church Membership. She's on staff at a church with a lot of acoustic guitar players.)
From Jeff, the Goteeman,
I now believe that church membership and attendance:
- have absolutely nothing to do with salvation and little if anything to do with one’s “walk” with God. If anything, I have found that church activity and “busy-ness” have detracted from and robbed time from my relationship with God, my family, my neighbors and those around me.
- do not truly keep one accountable. Accountability is impossible to be maintained in a top-down structure. Leadership can only track attendance within a body of any size, and does not have the depth of personal relationship with each member to maintain any real accountability. True accountability exists in life-on-life relationships, where we can be open and transparent, and develop “keeping” relationships. Through openness, guidance, and speaking and receiving the truth in love, we are “kept” by these relationships.
Please read the entire thread at Anne's site and Goteeman's complete response. I agree with John that it would be a worthy edition to the Formerly Known As meme.
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